Top 10 iobroker Adapter 2023

Top 10 iobroker Adapter 2023


Top 10 iobroker Add-ons 2023: iobroker is a popular smart home system. Openhab is a platform that enables, among other things, automation. The real strength of iobroker, however, is the very large number of adapters. Cloud services, hardware-based services or other information can be displayed or controlled in Openhab. Since there are really a lot of adapters, I’ll give you an overview of the 10 most used adapters according to the ioBroker website.

Top 10 adapters

And off we go. Below you can find the top 10 ioBroker adapters 2023:


Is an “Internet of Things” protocol that can connect different devices together. First, an MQTT broker must be selected, then the events and functions can be used in ioBroker. Here you can find the documentation: MQTT

2 Google Voice

As the name suggests: Integrates Google Assistant with Home Assistant and enables voice control via Google Devices, for example. Click here for the documentation: Chromecast

3 Telegram

This adapter allows you to receive and send ioBroker messages via the Telegram app. Click here for the documentation: Telegram

4 Philips Hue

The Philips Hue solution has been on the market for a long time and is thus already almost one of the smart home pioneers. At least with regard to lighting. Click here for the documentation: Philips Hue


And in 5th place, an ioBroker adapter from Sonos: it lets you control your SONOS boxes and play your favorite music when you return home. Click here for the documentation: SONOS

6 Z-Wave

This adapter enables the connection of ioBroker with Z-Wave devices. Click here for the documentation: Z Wave

7 KNX adapter

With this adapter you can connect ioBroker with KNX devices. Click here for documentation: KNX

8 Weather

With this adapter you can retrieve weather data from various sources and use it in ioBroker. Click here for the documentation: Weather

9 Notification

This adapter allows you to send notifications through various channels such as email, SMS and more. Click here for documentation: e-mail or Whatsapp

10 Alexa

And in 10th place, an Alexa ioBroker adapter: With this adapter, you can perform ioBroker actions by voice via Amazon Alexa. Click here for the documentation: Alexa

There are many other adapters available for ioBroker. You can view the full list of adapters on the ioBroker website and select the ones that are best suited for your smart home system.

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